Welcome Letter

A Welcome letter to my reader…


I am mom to Finley, Monroe, & Gentry; each vastly different from the other; an athlete, a cowboy, and a “momma’s girl” pretty much sums up the group. Delivering these three beautiful children in 36 months and 20 days was a daunting task but with God’s grace, ‘twas my greatest feat. Of course, I do not claim to have done this on my own. In 2011, I married my favorite person, Jerod Breakiron. My husband and I get to do life together. He is my love, my life, and my leader.


Today, I am 42 years young. I am still dreaming, still learning, and still passionately setting new expectations for myself and my sphere of influence. This is who I am. But let’s make something clear from the onset:

 I am not a blogger.


Did I mention I am not a blogger?

 But I shall not let what I am not, dictate who I will be. Your passions will consistently override your insecurities. I always thought blogs were for gifted writers with dreamy ideas and concepts.  Though I am a dreamer, my strengths lean more on the practical and analytical side of the spectrum. But alas, 2023 is about new and I am excited to greet the “new” while sharing knowledge as we grow on this new journey together.  


On this blog, I will provide a weekly meal recipe and organization tips. I will discuss health and wellness, clean living, clean beauty, faith, lifestyle, and motherhood.  I am sure there will be loads of other topics discussed.  We shall see…

So cheers to growing in 2023, breaking through comfort zones, and becoming the best version of ourselves that we are capable of. 

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