Change your Hormone Story

Ova M

Create a New Hormone Story for Yourself and Your Daughter

Ladies, we all most likely share a similar story.  When our cycle starts, in our early teens, we are plagued with heavy periods and painful cramping.  Not to mention headaches, mood swings, and bloating.  Did you know that almost 2 million women take birth control for reasons other than pregnancy prevention?  Most of those, 88% to be exact, take it for menstrual regulation and to help with painful periods.  I hear story after story of women whose hormones were wrecked because they followed what the industry tells them…the only thing that is going to help you is birth control.  I should know, I was on it for 12 years and suffer from many autoimmune disorders that I believe are partly due to being on synthetic hormones for so long.  Fast forward to our older years and we are told again to take synthetic hormones to help alleviate symptoms of menopause.  If you are curious, just look up the long-term side effects of both birth control and hormone replacement therapy. 

Please do not get me wrong, I do believe that birth control and hormone replacement therapy have a place and have helped many women without having any long-term effects.  What I am saying is…why not try something natural first?  Why go straight to ingesting something synthetic into your body long term?  

What if there was a more natural way to help alleviate the symptoms of PMS and Menopause?  What if this could not only affect you but also your daughter? 

Modere Ova is a new, patent-pending women’s health line formulated for women, by women.  Ova does more than target normal menstrual and menopausal symptoms. It supports optimal hormonal health — and it does this without hormones or soy isoflavones. It is formulated based on emerging science that links normal menstrual and menopausal symptoms to fluctuating levels of key micronutrients in the body.  Ova syncs to your cycle and targets the body’s responses to these fluctuating nutrients, providing optimal support when you need it most. 

Change the way you think about your period.  Ova has been shown to help reduce mild menstrual cramps, promote clearer skin, reduce PMS symptoms, balance mood, and support the following: healthy blood flow, urinary tract health, healthy libido, hormones leading up to ovulation, and thyroid health.

Women going through Menopause, you are not left out!  Our menopausal formula can help to reduce hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.  It also helps to support libido, improve sleep health, support cognitive health, support mood, and other menopausal symptoms. Ladies let’s change our story. It is worth a try!

Please visit the link to check out more information on this groundbreaking product and to read the testimonials of women whose life has been changed for the better. 

**DISCLAIMER: This is an affiliated link and I do make a commission on sales purchased through my link.  This is all based on my opinion and the research I have done.  I make no claims but only want to help educate and open up the conversation to trying something new.  Each woman’s cycle is different, and results may vary. For menstrual and menopausal symptoms outside the normal range, medical conditions, or when taking medication, consult your health care provider prior to use.
Not for use if you are nursing or pregnant.  Only for use in women 18 and older.**

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