Beating the Winter Blues



Did you know that 5% of adults have seasonal depression and that it can last up to 40% of the year?  If this is you, you are not alone. The winter months can be a hard time keeping up with our health and wellness.  Gloomy weather and shorter days can take a real toll on our mood.  Here are 4 ways to boost your mood and help you get through this winter season.

  1. Healthy Diet – We are what we eat and drink so fueling our bodies with the right foods is an important key to how we feel. Make sure you are eating a diet with loads of fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamins and minerals.  Also, don’t forget to drink plenty of water so you can stay hydrated.  
  2. Move Your Body – Try to get in at least 30 minutes of activity 5 days a week.  Bundle up and go on a brisk walk or do an at-home workout.  I have done at-home workouts for the last 3 years and have really enjoyed being in the comfort of my own home.  All you need is YouTube, a few weights, a mat, and resistant bands.  Getting your body moving can do wonders for your mood.
  3. Get Some Sunshine – Take advantage of sunny days and get outside for 30 minutes.  Soak in those morning rays and get some natural vitamin D.  Red light therapy can also be used if sunshine is minimal where you live. 
  4. Get Good Rest – If you want to feel your best, then you need to get some good rest.  When we feel tired our efficiency throughout our day decreases even further affecting the way we feel.  Make sure to turn off all electronics and disconnect your mind at least 30 minutes prior to bedtime.  Reading a good book or writing in a journal are great ways to wind down at the end of your day. 

Laughter and spending time with positive people are also things that help me to boost my mood. This is by no means an answer to all of our winter blues.  These are just some tools that I use to help me during these winter months to keep my mind and body happy and healthy.  If the list is too overwhelming, start with creating one new healthy habit every week and work at your own pace.  

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